ergoPouch Sleep Blog - Tips to Help Baby & Toddlers Sleep

Raising a little human isn't easy. From well-meaning friends, to experts and baby brands comes a slew of advice and information, some of it misleading and some downright dangerous.
ergoPouch work with experts in the field of sleep solutions to offer your family no-nonsense help and support along your sleep journey from birth to five years. If there is a topic that we haven’t covered and you would like some advice, please let us know.

Top tips for transitioning from cot to bed

Is it time, or is it not time? That is the question, so many parents are asking when it comes to transitioning their toddler from cot to bed. 

It can be a nerve-wracking time knowing that your child is about to leave the safe confines of their cot to a big bed, where they have the freedom to get out, roam and explore their room and possibly the whole house.  

Here are my TOP SIX TIPS to help you navigate this time and ensure a smooth, seamless transition for all. 


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The start of daylight savings time the beginning of a nightmare week

Sunday marked the start of daylight savings time. And, if you’re like most parents everywhere, Sunday also marked the beginning of a nightmare week (or several) of bedtime shenanigans from your children. A handful of you very, on-the-ball, organized, planner-types probably started moving your child’s bedtime 10-15 minutes later every day before the time change happened

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Baby sleep patterns and swaddling

Sleep is a journey, not a destination and the below sleep graph shows us exactly that. In the first 18 months of your baby's sleep, there will be many moments of, ‘oh I so have this’ but also followed by ‘I just need more sleep’ distressing times. The below graph shows us that your baby’s sleep keeps developing, as it's affected by their brain development, while they learn a circadian rhythm but hang in there, mamas and papas, we have your back to help support you on this journey. oday we talk about newborn and infant sleep patterns and the importance of swaddling to help baby sleep.

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Busting Baby Sleep Myths

The reason there are so many myths is that often information is the result of caring people who have had similar situations and want to share their experiences. Unfortunately, though, not all babies are the same and something that worked for one baby, may not be appropriate for another. Additionally, the world of baby sleep attracts marketing of ideas and products and some will promote anything to parents if it makes money. Even if the information is not based on research or on entire disciplines of study, they are still offered to parents as a ‘fix’. Sadly this leaves desperate parents being offered information that is either inappropriate for them or their baby. This information is derived from a body of knowledge that specializes in the welfare of infants and their families, aimed at supporting health and wellbeing.

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A Guide to Safe Sleep

Here are the facts so you can make your own informed decision. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) reviewed numerous studies and reports on infant tragic sleep events and came up with the following recommendations. They apply especially within the first 6 months and up to 12 months of age. According to the AAP, the safest place for babies to sleep is: on their own sleep surface (i.e. in their own bassinet, cot etc) within sensory range of the parent (i.e. within range to hear, smell and be aware of the parent).

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How much should my baby sleep?

There are so many studies that claim to prove the number of hours a baby should sleep. But these studies vary on what the exact number should be. The fact is, as humans, we don’t conform to an exact science - we’re all different. That’s the very reason there will be variations in what the research tells us and variation in how much your baby will sleep.

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